The Reject-a-thon: Facing Humiliation Head-On

The Reject-a-thon. So, here’s the scene: my heart’s pounding, my head’s buzzing with tension, and I’m on the verge of vomiting. But no, it’s not a disastrous blind date with Piers Morgan – it’s me gearing up to ask a random guy at King’s Cross for a casual loan of £100. Yeah, you heard that right.

The Surprising Decision

Why on earth am I doing this? Blame it on a recent therapy session where I claimed not to be a scaredy-cat. My therapist, throwing shade like a pro, reminded me of the regular screaming wake-ups I subject myself to. Fair point, therapist. So, I’ve decided to embrace the soul-crushing embarrassment of being rejected by strangers every day for a month. Seems like a stellar life choice, doesn’t it?

The Rejection Game

First up, I spot a middle-aged guy with a kind face and a red scarf. Low-key, I ask if I can borrow a hundred quid. He takes three seconds that feel like an eternity before deciding he needs more info. Mission accomplished – I’ve been officially rejected, and the whole point to revel in the awkwardness.

Night Terrors and TikTok Trends

What got me into this mess? Well, besides the night terrors and my therapist’s brutal honesty, there’s this thing called rejection therapy. Jason Comely, a self-help guru, started it as a card game – 30 days, 30 rejections. Now, it’s blown up on TikTok, where folks ask strangers for hugs, dance solo in supermarkets, or unleash primal screams in gyms. My editor, with a hint of sadism, suggests I join the trend.

Dipping My Toes: Bristol Edition

I decide to ease into the embarrassment by testing the waters at a birthday party. Soft boys in Bristol seem like a safe bet. I compliment someone’s generic red lighter and straight-up ask if I can it. She says yes. Easy peasy! Then, I try to get a DJ to play a 10-minute Taylor Swift song about scarves and ex-lovers. He declines but does it so nicely that I’m not drowning in shame. Time to level up – maybe call my GP and ask for an appointment?

Celebrities vs. Everyday Awkwardness

Neil Tennant once said the Pet Shop Boys are a battle between total embarrassment and total shamelessness. I get that struggle. My early celeb interviews involved asking Danny Dyer some outrageous stuff. But put me in a regular interaction, and I can feel the mortification creeping in. Talking to strangers? Nah. Making others order for me at restaurants? Guilty as charge.

Ambushing a Fellow Cyclist

Feeling the pressure to up my game, I ask a fellow cyclist at a red light if we can swap bikes. The dude looks disgust, ignores me, and I end up pulling off the main road just to avoid him. I don’t feel enlightened or fearless; I feel like a psychopath. Regret sets in, and now I’m convince I’ve mistreated this poor cyclist.

Words of Wisdom from a Rejection Pro

I decide to chat with Jia Jiang, a rejection therapy veteran. His TED Talk on the subject has over 10 million views. He overdos on rejection to tackle his fears, and it change his life. His tip for me? Be relax and smile, make people feel at ease. Acknowledge you’re asking for a big favor, and let them know it’s cool to say no. Apparently, embracing rejection opens up a world of abundance.

In the grand scheme of things, maybe getting reject every day is the key to fearlessness. Or maybe, just maybe, it’s a one-way ticket to awkward town.

The post The Reject-a-thon: Facing Humiliation Head-On appeared first on The Spirit Yoga.

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